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けん玉ガール、TVデビュー!/ I was on TV!!


One of the main Japanese TV channels featured Kendama and I appeared in the show for a bit!! I showed a juggling trick with my thighs :-)

filmed in the square at Harajuku, Tokyo

海外でのけん玉ブームが日本に「逆輸入」され、けん玉が日本の若者の間で新たな流行となっていることを受け、各メディアがけん玉を特集してくれています☆ 「子供の遊び」というイメージだったけん玉が、流行・ファッションの発信地である原宿のアパレルショップの店頭で売られるようになったり、ストリートスポーツを楽しむ若者のファッションアイテムになるなんて・・・もう大興奮です!!(笑) この新しいけん玉の進化、トレンドを本当に嬉しく思っています♪

Since Kendama communities in the United States and Europe have been growing so fast and influenced loads of Japanese young people, many Japanese TV channels have featured Kendama recently. Kendama has been just "children's toy" here in Japan for long time. When we grow up we don't play it anymore. But now, you can find all different types of kendama at clothing shops in Harajuku, the center of Japan's cultures and fashion styles, and young people around 20-30's have "kendama session" on street! I've been so happy and excited about the new Kendama trend here!!


I'll keep doing activities for spreading kendama more widely across Japan and the world!!


カスタムけん玉制作に初挑戦!!My first experience of making my own custom kendama!!!


It seems like "custom kendama" has been very popular in America and Europe.  I got shocked and excited by loads of photos of cool and unique designed custom kendamas shared on Instagram!! That made me feel like I should get one!

The coolest companies which produce custom kendamas I have found so far are these two listed below.

・Roots Kendama

・Sweets Kendamas


One of my friends messaged me that he was having a workshop of custom kendama in Tokyo so I signed up to participate in the workshop right after I got his message!


We had a very nice instructor, Mr.ZENONE, who is an artist based in Osaka (West Japan). He is an expert in painting and really good at motivating us to make our first custom kendama.

loving the wood grain so much!!! 

It took me about two hours to finish my very first custom kendama! It was super fun and I definitely want to make another one soon!!!

My first custom kendama
with other participants' kendama

At the end of the workshop, we had this special "Kendama Curry" together!! It looked so cute and was really delicious!!



Spread Kendama all over the world from London!!! けん玉をもっと世界へ!ロンドンでプロモーションを実施!!

7月26~28日に開催されたイギリス最大の日本文化イベント"Hyper Japan"で、けん玉をプロモーションして来ました!!!
 I went to London to promote kendama at the UK biggest J-culture event "Hyper Japan"!!!

Hyper Japan 2013;



Our first attempt to promote kendama in London became hugely successful!!! We had brilliant times teaching kendama to loads of people from all over the world! It was really great to see their beautiful smiles when they got tricks for the first time☆ It had been absolutely the happiest 3 days in my kendama career!!!

Hyper Japan 2013, Spread Kendama to the World!!!


It was also such a pleasure to meet lovely European players from England, Germany and Holland! They are definitely my lifelong kendama friends!!

Great night with my kendama team and friends from Holland♡
My precious kendama with my lovely friend's signiture☆


I really appreciate meeting all wonderful people and having the best experience ever!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!


Kendama girl in Hawaii


I visited Hawaii for the first time, which was SUPER fun!!!

Hanauma Bayでの一枚☆ シュノーケリング最高!

We enjoyed snorkeling at Hanauma Bay!! 

ハワイに移住した大好きな友人夫婦に会いに、常夏の楽園を「これでもかっ」てくらい満喫してきました☆ まさに青い空に透き通った海、白い砂浜!食べ物も美味しいし、すっかりハワイの虜になってしまいました!!観光客は行かないようなシークレットビーチ含め、オアフ島の素晴らしい数々の場所に連れてってくれた友達に、本当に心から感謝!

I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Hawaii with one of the loveliest married couple I know who has moved to Oahu. They showed me loads of amazingly beautiful places and delicious food in the island. I so fell in love with Hawaii and appreciated my friends giving me the brilliant times!!

最後に、ハワイで撮ったお気に入りの写真をご紹介♡ あ~ハワイが恋しいっ!!!
Here are some more my favorite photos. Ahhh I miss there so much!!!

Ewa beach...absolutely paradise....

Met a cute sea turtle!!

Sun set at North Shore


Can you Kendama? #2

突撃!!「けん玉、出来ますか?」 第2弾!

台湾の友達が来日中♪ 一緒にスカイツリーに行って来ました!
I went to Tokyo Skytree, the world's highest free-standing broadcasting tower, with my Taiwanese friend visiting Japan now :-)

Tokyo Skytree:

早速スカイツリー広場で、突撃!!「けん玉、出来ますか?」 友達のけん玉(大皿)初挑戦をご覧ください! My friend tried kendama for the first time. Check out her first trick, Ozara!

Can you Kendama? @ Tokyo Skytree


She is huge fan of Japan and knew about kendama, but that was the very first time for her to try tricks. I was glad she got the trick! Thank you for the lovely smile♡